Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Dinner Saga

So we are trying to pay closer attention to not only our finances but our meals also.  So we are making weekly meal plans and then staying in budget for the materials.

So far we have the first week made and have made 2 meals from our plan.  The first was on Saturday night and it was Cod with mushroom sauce.  We had this with fried potatos with basil and a tomato and onion salad.

Tonight was american pot roast, smashed potatos and veggies.  I made it from a recipe using tomato paste, something I never have done before.

I am going to try to keep up with this thread.  I want to try to stay on the meal plan and hope this helps me stay on target.

We are still doing good eating in.  Last night was clams and noodles.  Yum yum.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Goal 1 for the New Year

One of my goals for the new year is to listen closely to the Spirit as it talks to me.  Not just listen, but follow those promptings.  Sometimes this means doing one thing over something else I would rather do.  I know that if I follow these promptings I will be a better person and will have more blessings in my life.

One of my other goals for this year is to attend the Temple more often.  Last year I did this once a quarter.  This year I am going for twice a quarter. 

I have a dream of retiring and serving a Temple Mission.  How wonderful would it be to be in the Lord's Temple every day?  It would be a joy beyond my dreams.  Keith and I would love to do this together.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


So, I have decided to blog.  It took me a year to make this decision, but I always think about things for a long time.  I am looking forward to 2012.  I think this will be a great year.

The end of 2011 I re-organized and painted my craft room.  I hope to craft a lot more often.  I am knitting, scrapbooking, quilting and making my own clothes. 

I am also going to prepare for the next holidays way in advance.  I really want to make gifts, but I need to start earlier in the year.  I have lots of idea and plan on posting my progress as I go.